Reverence Root Word Definition

For the Savages still ayans of the reverence to the sepultures of their fathers & friends, wish to bring him to the Cap de Sable 40th end of 14th century, reverence, “to treat (someone) with respect, honor; worship, show pious reverence; appreciation, value; bow to (someone); To do honor”, by reverence (n.). Related: Venerated; Awesome. The word reverence can be used in different ways in the English language. Using words in a sentence is a great way to remember their definitions and add them to your vocabulary. You can also try creating quizzes or flashcards for yourself to test your knowledge of different English words. Try using that word of the day in one sentence today! Below are some examples of wonder to get you started. He showed great reverence and dignity when he was knighted by the king. He kept his head down and never made eye contact as a sign of respect. Bigger than ever, the sport is at a crossroads, oscillating between respect for its healing past and fear of a painful future. Lincoln was simply wrong to hope that “law enforcement” would become our “political religion.” There are many different words that have the same meaning as the word reverence. These are called synonyms that can be used interchangeably with the word reverence. Learning synonyms is a great way to improve your English vocabulary. You can also use synonyms to add variety to your writing.

This list of synonyms for fear is provided by Power Thesaurus. The point of using the classics in this kind of playful wonder is that I`ve always felt that the classics had become stuffy because of academicization – is that the word? The stars arouse a certain reverence, because although they are always present, they are inaccessible; but all natural objects make a related impression when the mind is open to their influence. In it, the prophet Jeremiah (10:2-4) discredits the pagans for cutting down these trees, carving the trunks, and placing precious metals on the branches in respect of their gods. Labor Day is always a day when celebration is associated with reverence. I reached the place where she was standing, she began to speak, and I took off my hat as if I was paying homage to an angel. Reverence from Middle English, derivation from reverence Reverence They are not reverent, just as Roman Catholics are not reverent, because reverence in the sad and delicate sense of the term reverence is something that is only possible for unbelievers. A common thread that runs through both the realities of the hospital and Gabon, helping to elucidate the driving force behind what Schweitzer did with his own life is what he called “respect for life.” As you have already been told, Yung Pak learned the deepest respect and honor for his father from the beginning. The whole congregation prays together with reverence when a pastor leads them in prayer. In fact, a church, mosque or temple is the perfect place to act with reverence, but you probably do it in many other places as well. Some fans are amazed during the national anthem in front of a baseball game.

And when your favorite musician plays a concert, you can listen with reverence and silence anyone nearby who speaks. The Latin root is revereri, “to stand before in reverence.” She showed respect for her non-binary identity by using the pronouns she used as they required of her. Graying, its veterans approach the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (also known as the “Wall”) with admiration, some protecting their eyes with their hands so they aren`t seen losing tears to their comrades (and perhaps to their own youth). But I rush to the qualifications of this divine work: fervor, reverence, and trust; FERVour, weeping, _reverence and confidence_ shouting: “Abba, Father”; because these two correspond well to our end of the 13th century. “Honor, respect, reverence (shown to someone), appreciation increased by reverence”, also of sacred places or objects, of the old French reverence “respect, reverence” and directly from the Reverent Latin “reverence, respect”, of reverence “in reverence for, respect, honor, fear, fear before; revere”, from re-, here perhaps an intense prefix (see re-), + vereri “to stand in reverence, fear, respect” (from the root PIE *wer- (3) “to perceive, to be careful”). Farah had great reverence for his new coach, and both enjoyed an almost immediate increase in the athlete`s performance. This included the officers who had turned their backs on the Jumbotron, but now there was only reverence in their ranks. Brewers and lawyers talk about him in muted tones, with as much irritation as admiration. I looked at Isaac, who looked at Yahya`s boys with admiration, and I prayed as I passed, in the cool of the night, under bright stars, that we might stay at that moment. Biblically, the term reverence is usually used in a sacred context for those who fear God or a holy being.

This fear of God manifests itself in submission and is celebrated. Therefore, the term Reverend is used for members of the Christian clergy. The venerable character and the righteous magistrate show a deep respect for God and show these manifestations of reverence by dedicating their lives to the Church. This word is used in the Old Testament and the New Testament in the Psalms as a translation of two Hebrew words, yare and shachah. According to Etymonline, the word reverence has been used since the late 13th century. ==References=====External links===* Official website This comes from the Latin reverentia and the Latin reveri, the intense prefix re and the root vereri. These come from Proto-Indo-European roots. Reverence has been used as a verb since the late 14th century.

The suffixes t, ed, ing, ly and ial can be added to the related words revere, reverenced, reverencing, reverentially (adv.) and reverential (adj.). Their terror aroused admiration. He`s, you know, such an icon in our industry and I have so much respect for him and so much respect, so it was an honor to work with him. This depth of emotion remained completely intact and assured her of the special reverence of the Holy Sisters. Walker said the instructors emphasize respect for human life and the dignity and freedom of all. Then there is respect for what is around us, respect for our equals, to whom he attributes immense power in the culture of man. Honor, tribute, reverence, reverence mean respect and appreciation shown to the other. Honour may refer to the recognition of one`s right to great respect or to any expression of such recognition. The nomination is a tribute to the honor and adds the implication of the praise that accompanies it. Paying homage to Shakespeare`s reverence implies deep respect, mixed with love, devotion or reverence. A great reverence for my father`s reverence involves yielding or subjugating someone else`s judgment or preference out of respect or reverence. have shown no reverence for their elders This is what he calls reverence, and trust, which is the opposite of that, he calls impudence; and he still regards the latter as a very great evil both for the individual and for the States.

Overall, the word fear means an attitude of deep respect. The outward manifestation of this sense of respect can be self-prevented in an act of reverence, gentle dispositions, a kind greeting, a feeling of deep reverence, devotional worship, or any other gesture that indicates deep respect or an attitude of deep respect. They see various forms of reverence around the world, from Chinese reverence for their elders, which they could show with a bow, to how the French handle food, with gentle reverence and great appreciation. This attitude had nothing to do with my respect for the theatrical experience – a dark auditorium surrounded by strangers will always be the best way to see a film created for this purpose. There are also many different words that have the opposite meaning as fear. These opposite words are called antonyms, which are another easy way to expand your vocabulary. These fear antonyms are also provided by Power Thesaurus. I have a strong respect for traditions and no taste for democracy – that would be too long a step. According to Merriam-Webster and other sources such as the Collins English Dictionary and the American Heritage Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, the word reverence is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, the word means reverence or respect that is felt or shown, or a gesture of respect. .