32Bj Agreement

Our agreement guarantees an hourly wage increase of 70 cents for each employee on April 1, 2020. Each January thereafter, employees earning less than $12.00 per hour receive a 50% hourly increase. Its 32BJ Bargaining Committee has reached an interim agreement for a BOLR to freeze our pension benefits and not provide pensions to new members. The Union rejected those requests. We received a 32 cents per hour increase in employer contributions during the agreement, from $1.43 per hour to $1.75 per hour. The 1. In January 2020, our future retirement provisions will increase by 15%! Sick Days During the term of the agreement, all cleaners in Northern Virginia will receive three additional paid sick days for a total of seven sick days per year: NOTE: This is a summary of the major changes to the collective agreement. Once the contract is ratified, the union will distribute copies of the agreement to all members who have the final and legally enforceable language. Our agreement guarantees an annual salary increase of 60 cents per hour, an hourly increase of $2.40 over the four years of the contract. An hourly increase of $2.40 means that at the end of this agreement, covered cleaners will win: Our agreement guarantees an hourly wage increase of 70 cents in the first year for each employee, followed by 50 cents per year thereafter. This agreement will create more than 500 full-time jobs with employer-paid health insurance at the 30 largest buildings in Arlington County in 2023. .

Resumen del Contrato para 2019-2023 entre la SEIU32BJ y BOLR Contract Enforcement, Improvements and Employer Penalty Payment Cuando venza este contrato, los limpiadores de Maryland y Virginia gozarán del mismo número de días por enfermedad y días festivos que los limpiadores de Washington DC. . . . ** Based on year-end rates. Does not include the cost of paid free time, consisting of vacation, vacation and sick days. Our union has improved our retirement provision. Employers will rate an additional $0.10 per hour — a total of $0.45 per hour — on our pension plan. Cleaners have access to 8.7 sick days for part-time workers and five sick days for full-time workers guaranteed by a Maryland law that 32BJ fought for and passed. Cleaners also receive the following days of paid leave: TALK TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVE AT YOUR LOCAL GENERAL MEETING Our agreement guarantees a salary increase of 70 cents per hour in the first year, followed by an increase of 50 cents each year thereafter. Members aged 18 and over now receive 4 weeks of leave. .

▪We have become more flexible in the use of our bereavement leave benefits. Payroll: It is mandatory for all employers to offer direct deposit. Trade union rights have also been strengthened in this agreement as follows: for the first time, employers are now paying a price for violating certain sections of the agreement. In the future, they must:. *Ausgeschlossen ist bezahlter Urlaub, bestehend aus Urlaub, Krankheitsurlaub und Urlaub. Verringerung der Zahl der Drogen- und Alkoholrehabilitationen von zwei auf eine (die Gewerkschaft stimmte zu, dass Arbeitnehmer, die aus der Rehabilitation zurückkehren, viermal monatlich getestet werden dürfen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Tests negativ sind und die Mitarbeiter sauber bleiben).) Public holidays, public holidays and additional days off with payment. We managed to reject the employers` demand that 20% of our salaries be deducted for health premiums. This would have cost each worker about $4,000 in the last year of the agreement. Medical benefits for full-time workers will continue to be paid in full by the employer. Employers agreed to increase the contribution rate for part-time Montgomery County cleaners in order to have access to 8.7 paid sick days guaranteed by a Montgomery County law that fought and got 32BJ. Full-time employees keep their seven sick days a year. Your negotiating committee has reached a provisional agreement for a new treaty! We are pleased to be able to unanimously recommend the ratification of the new collective agreement with the BOLR for four years.

This confederation provides:. . Highlights of our new contract can be found below: These salary adjustments over the term of the agreement will increase the payment of Class 1 BOLR cleaners by $2, up to a maximum of $20.14 per hour in the final year of the agreement. Class 2 cleaners will be increased from $2.10 to $21.34 per hour, building engineers will increase by at least $2.75 per hour to a minimum of $27.92 per hour (increase in individual rates of pay), and BMCA cleaners will increase their wages by $1.92 to $19.46 per hour. . Note that this policy may change if the SEC manages SEC.gov to ensure that the site operates efficiently and remains available to all users… Employees can only be fired for good reasons. In addition, employees have access to a complaint procedure if they believe that their contractual rights have been violated. Employees can only be fired for good reasons.

In addition, they have access to a complaints procedure if they believe that their contractual rights have been violated. . We rejected the employers` request to deduct 20% of health premiums from our paycheque. This would have cost each member about $4,000 in the final year of the agreement.▪ If members are entitled to more paid sick days under state law, those additional sick days are provided to employees by the employer. Les travailleurs n`ont plus à faire face à une infestation sans formation ni équipement, et l`employeur est tenu de payer pour les vaccins sur demande si un employé entre en contact avec certaines matières infectieuses. Cleaners will have access to 8.7 days of illness for part-time workers and five (5) days for full-time workers, guaranteed by a Maryland law that 32BJ fought and got. Cleaners will also have the following paid days off: Beginning in April 2022, full-time cleaners will have access to health insurance fully paid for by the employer through Kaiser Permanente. À partir de juillet 2023, les nettoyeurs à temps partiel auront accès à une assurance dentaire payée par l`employeur. . The union will now be able to meet with each new worker for 30 minutes of paid time at work to educate the worker about the union, collective agreement and benefit funds. Medical Marijuana: Add drug testing protection for anyone with a valid prescription for medical marijuana.

In 2020, the new entry will be extended to 1 year (starting at $1.00 below the rates above), and in 2022, it will be extended to 18 months, starting at $1.50 below the rate. In 2022, the new rental wage for Level 2 buildings will increase from $0.50 to $0.75. . We also received an increase in the contribution to $0.08 per hour in 2021 to ensure other legal benefits. Compensation for sick leave and vacation. NOTE: This is a summary of the main changes to the collective agreement. Once the contract is ratified, the union will distribute copies of the agreement with the final and binding text to all members. Cleaners have an extra month of vacation without pay to solve immigration issues, for a total of 120 days of vacation. From $1,116 per month to $1,317 per member per month for the duration of the agreement, an increase of 18%. . Workers can apply for up to 120 days of leave without pay to resolve immigration status issues.
